Ganoderma Mushroom

Ganoderma Mushroom
The glossy ganoderma (Ganoderma lucidum) is a basidiomycete fungus of the family Polyporaceae. Also known as Reishi in Japan, it grows on the ground and has a foot and a hat, unlike most "polypore" if one adds the appearance of stained wood, it is unmistakable, not to mention the crooked neck and head eccentric who sometimes irresistibly resemble E. T.


* Hat 4 at 15-20 cm, rounded or kidney shaped, yellow and red-brown, furrowed and wrinkled slightly zoned concentrically and radially (like wood), covered with a cuticle cornea, bright lacquer. Margin clearer then dashing.
* Tubes and fine pores, and yellowish brown, often covered with a whitish bloom.
* Foot 4-20 cm (length varies), usually lateral, gnarled, dark brown and shiny.
* Flesh thin, beige-brown, fibrous, low odor.

Although tough, the fungus disappears in winter. However, it can be dried and preserved for many years.

The glossy ganoderma is from June to November in Europe on the ground nearby and buried roots of hardwood (including fruit trees). While not uncommon, it grows alone or in very small groups.

Tough and bitter, it obviously lends itself to use any gourmet.

Dried and / or reduced to powder and then presented in different packaging, it is instead used in Chinese and Japanese traditional medicine as a tonic or immune stimulant, especially, it is also known anticancer properties that have been partially confirmed by scientific studies. Thus, mushroom cultivation began in the Far East.

Read also Lingzhi

