Did our use be rich but the difficult health (This of only information then. If you had the problem of the illness, better you asked a Doctor).
wine and health
wine and health
The most harmful effect of wine dates from antiquity, there is nothing related to the product but with an adjuvant, lead, added in the form of Sapa in ancient Rome. Jean-Pierre Saltarelli analyzed in wines of the Popes in Avignon and the colica pictunum Viscount de Turenne, the consequences of this addition to the wine. Lead, which was used for baseline and to sweeten wine merchant number and acid green, left a heavy legacy. It causes poisoning, which was first described under the name of colica Pictonum is lead poisoning.
He was aware since antiquity, and some authors argue that this poisoning was a cause of the decline of the Roman Empire. According to the precepts of Pliny and Columella not only the wines were treated with lead salts to soften, but the water supply pipes were lead. During the Middle Ages, the most common substance used was lime rust or white lead, dissolved in vinegar, then during the Renaissance, he was more often used white lead, called sugar or white lead, and litharge, lead oxide or red lead.
Yet it was not until 1473, to denounce the dangers of "liming wine. It was Nicolas Ellembourg, monk of the Benedictine Abbey of Ottobeuren who made this relationship. Then, the following century, Jacques-Auguste de Thou, first described the symptoms of poisoning: "When a man is attacked, his body became paralyzed as: his face is pale, restless mind, of heart pain, vomiting, hiccups continual thirst, difficulty urinating, severe pain in the stomach, intestine, hypochondria, kidneys, and there are even some whose Feet, legs & hands become paralyzed after being attacked with epilepsy commotions ". It was Citois Francis, a native of Poitiers and physician of Cardinal Richelieu, who gave him the name colica Pictonum, in his treatise De novo populari apud Pictones doloro colica bilious Diatribe.
The last element was the lead-containing capsule tin / lead. They were finally banned from 1 January 1993 to avoid a possible migration of lead salts always possible for a bottle lying around the corks.
Bu unreasonable amount, the wine has harmful effects on health. In particular, ethanol present in wine can cause several syndromes:
* In the brain, it alters neuronal survival and maintenance of brain connections.
* Level of the digestive system, it increases the risk of cancers of the mouth and upper airway, the esophageal cancer and colon cancer also increases the risk of breast cancer, other cancers and causes cirrhosis.
Also found in wine traces of methyl alcohol. The latter is a powerful neurotoxin. There are always at doses ranging from 35-350 mg per liter. It comes from the hydrolysis of pectins from grapes during the fermentation.
Like any alcohol, the wine may have adverse effects on the health of people with high triglyceride levels easily (Hypertriglyceridemia). For sensitive topics and drunk in large doses, the wine is part of liquor that may lead to alcoholism. The wine was a part of his remuneration, at a time when water was not always really clean.
Yet, as Constant Bourquin said: "I see some benefit and even a certain advantage to love the wine and gluttony, therefore, be drawn at all (and I do) by alcohol. If it was possible that a good wine was the equivalent of what it is does not contain alcohol, without hesitation, I am fond of this wine. But wine is wine that because of its natural content of alcohol. So, I bow and I am a reason. Feeling that I could express how Anatole France: Alas, gladly "
Read also Alcoholism