Weight loss
A weight loss is a loss of weight. It reflects an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure. It may be voluntary, in an aesthetic or therapeutic, or involuntary, can then reveal certain organic diseases scalable, or eating disorders.
A normal and stable weight is one of the best markers of a normal healthy adults. Between 20 and 50 years, the weight increases and stabilizes physiologically to decrease spontaneously after 75 years.
The main causes of weight loss are:
* The eating disorders: Anorexia nervosa and other forms
* The weight loss with diet and kept hypercatabolism:
No endocrine or metabolic disorders: hyperthyroidism, diabetes, primary hyperparathyroidism, pheochromocytoma.
No significant consumption of caffeine and smoking.
No digestive disease: malabsorption of adult celiac disease, Crohn's disease, the losing enteropathy and chronic pancreatitis.
o slimming paraphysiological of age.
* The accompanying weight loss: cancers, infectious diseases, neurologic, liver, heart, kidney or severe respiratory, other chronic diseases such as psychiatric illness or alcohol.
* The weight loss are iatrogenic, favored by polypharmacy in the elderly.
* Slimming presumed isolated, mainly due to psychological causes.
Read also Obesity