
Appendicitis is an inflammation of the ileocecal appendix. Appendicitis can occur at any age but especially before age 30. Untreated, it can be fatal, especially by peritonitis and sepsis thus requires an emergency appendectomy.

Appendicitis is the most common surgical emergency. The clinical presentation may take various forms, complex polymorphism (symptomatic) but do not parallel clinical anatomy. The diagnosis of appendicitis is typical clinic.

Paul Georges Dieulafoy will be the first French doctor in March 1896 to give a detailed description of appendicitis: "The vermiform appendix of the cecum can participate in the lesions of typhlitis and pérityphlite or be the site of lesions independent ... "but it should be noted that, in his Manual of Internal Pathology, Dieulafoy never speaks but typhlitis from appendicitis.

The term appendicitis belongs to an anatomical pathologist, U.S. Boston, Reginald Heber Fitz (1843-1913) and this word appears for the first time in an article published in 1886 "Perforating Inflammation of the vermiform appendix: with special reference to early diagnosis and ITS treatment ". For cons, the use of the term "appendicitis" is older, dating back to 1872.

Amyand Claudius made the first successful appendectomy in history in 1735. Charles McBurney, American surgeon, published in the late 19th century a series of reports that were the mainstay of treatment for appendicitis.

The appendix is located on the cecum, proximal colon. It forms an outgrowth of ten centimeters in length and has no proper role. However, one hypothesis is that the appendix would be a "protected reserve for friendly bacteria".

It is the emergency abdominal surgery the most common. It most frequently affects the person between 10 and 20 years, with a discreet male. Outstanding forward 3 years is rare in young children.

Polymorphic bacterial flora: Escherichia coli, Bacteroides. Can be caused by Yersinia enterocolitica.

Appendicular lesions
* Catarrhal appendicitis: congestion
* Suppurative Appendicitis: nick phlegmonous (stalls); empyema appendix (appendix distended by a collection of pus)
* Gangrenous appendicitis: gangrene
* Perforated Appendicitis

Peritoneal lesions
* The bursa is red, edematous, the peritoneal effusion is variable.
* False membranes accolent viscera and omentum. Agglutination visceral realizes the butt and sometimes paralytic ileus. The isolation of a collection of pus collection abscess.

The pain is progressive, and colicky, begins in the epigastric region and then secondarily to locate the right iliac fossa. Augmented by breathing, coughing, exertion. Irradiation: navel, thigh, lumbar fossa. This pain is typical, however, that in this case two.
The food and bilious vomiting. More often there is only nausea.

The only treatment is surgical and consists of appendectomy. It must be carried out immediately after the diagnosis was made in order to avoid complications (peritonitis). The gesture is preceded by the setting on antibiotics.

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