Bone cancer

Bone cancer
The primary cancer:

It is a rare cancer that develops rather in children or young adulthood, and discovers a bone in the body, most commonly at the femur, near the knee.

These tumors are osteosarcoma or fibrosarcoma, the chrondrosarcomes ...: names varies affected cells.

the Secondary Bone Cancer
This is a metastasis from a primary cancer that developed in another organ, most often it is the basis of kidney cancer, kidney, prostate, thyroid and lung . The malignant cells of these primitive tumors were then grafted onto the bones.

Any bone can be affected: the ribs, pelvis, long bones of the limbs, the bones of the skull, vertebrae ...

Bone metastases are usually secondary to visceral cancer. They may also be due to flooding neighborhood from a tumor located near bone tissue or blood (blood disease: blood disease). Bone metastases are found most often in bills that occur spontaneously or after minimal trauma (this is called spontaneous fractures). The primary cancers, responsible for bone metastases, are most often of breast, lung, prostate, thyroid, and gastrointestinal tract. Metastases are likely to occur when the primary cancer is unknown and some cancer patients reveal hitherto silent. The treatment of bone metastases involves hormone therapy (hormone use) of the primary cancer that is to say, breast or prostate.

Symptoms of bone cancer

- A fracture due to weakening of the bones.
- Pain that varies the positions or movements.
- A surface roughness of the bone associated with edema.
- An excess of calcium in the blood. (hypercalcaemia)

- A biopsy is necessary to define the nature of the tumor biopsy of the tumor secondary allows you to find cells that belong to the originally affected organ: lung cells that then diagnose lung cancer, thyroid cells to cancer of the thyroid. ...
Sometimes the cells are not quite typical and the primary cancer is still not solved despite numerous tests available today.

- Radiological examination: X-ray visualizes a possible bone destruction. Often before a persistent bone pain or painful swelling of a bone that simple radiography will be asked by the doctor.
The lesion may be visualized on the radio and the diagnosis of bone tumors is increased, the malignant tumor could possibly be considered typical images before.
Sometimes, before a fracture occurring spontaneously without specific injury a radiograph is performed and a diagnosis of bone tumor is made. Elsewhere, the tumor bone was completely asymptomatic and radiographically made for any other reason the shows.

- The scanner can then measure the possible extension of the tumor into surrounding tissues.

- MRI finally inform the type and the precise delineation of the tumor.

- Skeletal scintigraphy is used for a staging of the tumor.

Read also Brain Cancer
