Biotin, Vitamin B8: Factors that influence the needs of biotin

Biotin, Vitamin B8: Factors that influence the needs of biotin
The frequency of the marginal status of biotin is not known, but the impact of low levels of biotin in alcoholics was found to be much higher than in the rest of the population. Also, relatively low levels of biotin have been reported in urine or plasma of patients had a partial gastrectomy or who have other causes of achlorhydria, burns, seizures, seniors and athletes. Pregnancy and breastfeeding may be associated with an increased demand for biotin. During pregnancy, this may be due to a possible acceleration of biotin catabolism, whereas in lactation, the increased demand has not yet been elucidated. Recent studies have shown that marginal biotin deficiency may be present during pregnancy, as evidenced by increased urinary excretion of acid 3-hydroxyisovalerique, decreased urinary excretion of biotin and bisnorbiotine and a decrease in plasma concentration of biotin. In addition, smoking can further accelerate the catabolism of biotin in women.
