Traditional Tibetan Medicine

Traditional Tibetan Medicine
The traditional Tibetan medicine is one of the oldest medicines in the world and dates back almost 2,500 years. It uses up to two thousand types of plants and fifty minerals.

The ancestral origins
Le Tibet avant le Ve siecle etait principalement marque par culture chamanique correspondant a la tradition bon. The medicine would have then been based on magic, exorcism of shamanic practices.

The Buddhist influence
This is the fifth century that two wise doctors, and Vijaya Vimala, originating from India went to Tibet. They remained there for over a decade, working to heal and share their knowledge. The king of Tibet at that time was very touched by their kindness and offered one of his daughters in marriage to Vijaya. They had one child Dounggui tor-tcho who became a famous physician. He founded the first medical line, the most prominent representative is Yutok Yonten Gonpo the young in the twelfth century.

One of the first personalities in the development of this medicine was Yutok Yonten Gonpo old (eighth century, 708-833), renowned physician who wrote the "Four Medical Tantras, known as Tibetan-rGyud bZhi, founder of book Tibetan traditional medicine, incorporating different elements of Asian medicines such as Persia, India and China. This book includes a total of 156 chapters in the form of 80 paintings and Thangkas. It was amended and supplemented by subsequent generations.

In the twelfth century, born in 1126 the 13th descendant of Yutok Yonten Gonpo, Yuthok Sarma Yonten Gonpo. It was considered one of the greatest physician since his ancestor, he studied medicine extensively, particularly in India and Nepal, and amending and supplementing the rGyud-bZhi. He made a table describing the repair of a fractured bone and compiled a series of anatomical images of internal organs.

The principles of Tibetan medicine
Tibetan medicine is a traditional medical system which employs a complex approach to diagnosis, incorporating techniques such as analysis of pulse and urine. The Tibetan doctor (Amchi) gives advice to change behavior and diet. Made up of medicines from herbs and minerals, natural therapies such as acupuncture or Tibetan moxibustion is used to treat the patient.

The Tibetan medical system is based on a synthesis of knowledge Indian (Ayurveda), Persian (Yunnan), Greek, indigenous Tibetan, and Chinese medical systems. It continues to be practiced in Tibet, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Ladakh, Siberia, China, Mongolia and Buryatia, as well as more recently in parts of Europe and North America . It is linked to the Buddhist tradition that any illness resulting in permanent "three poisons" of the mind: the excessive desire, hatred and ignorance.

Tibetan medicine emphasizes a specific definition of health in his theoretical texts. To be healthy it is necessary to maintain a balance between three elements or "mood" rLung (pron. Loong, wind), mKhris pa (pronounced tri-pa, bile), and Bad-kan (pron. Pay-gen, phlegm).

• rLung is the source for our bodies to move physical substances (eg. The blood), energy (eg. Impulses of the nervous system), and non-physical (eg.'s Thoughts).
There are five distinct categories of rLung, each with a location and a specific function: Sroga-'dzin rLung, Gyen-rGyu rLung, Khyab-byed rLung, Me-mNyam rLung, Thur-Salt rLung.

• mKhris-pa is related to fire and heat, is the source of functions such as thermoregulation, metabolism, liver function and the discriminative intellect.
There are five distinct categories of pa-mKhris each with the locations and specific functions: 'Ju-byed-pa mKhris, sGrub mKhris-byed-pa-sGyur mKhris mDangs-pa mThong mKhris-byed-pa, MDOG-Salt mKhris-pa.

• Bad-kan is connected to both water and land. It is cold in nature, and is the source of functions such as digestion, maintenance of our physical structure, the health of our joints and our mental stability.
There are five distinct categories of Bad-kan with each of the locations and specific functions: rTen byed-Bad-kan, Myage byed-Bad-kan, Myong-byed Bad-kan, Tsim-byed Bad-kan, 'Byor-byed Bad-kan.

Read also Chinese Herbology

